
DIY Paneer

Living in the country, far from stores and services, you have to adapt your tastes to suit a rural location. If you like movies, you sign up for DVDs by mail. If you like shopping, you order online. If you like pizza, you buy a pizza stone and learn how to throw dough.

I love Indian food. So today, I give you, homemade paneer...


It really was the easiest recipe ever. Boil whole milk, add lemon juice, strain out the whey and press the curds. Done.


Now if I can only learn how to make naan, we'll never need to eat out again.

*Caveat: With the price of a gallon of milk surpassing a bar of platinum, in some areas it may be more cost-effective to buy frozen paneer from an Indian-food store and keep it on hand. (I'm thinking about buying a cow...)


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