
Pistachio Salad

A friend recently gave me her collection of PTO, 4-H, and community group cookbooks. There are some neat books in the box (the Good Morning America recipe newsletter) and they span a few decades. I flipped through the 75th Anniversary Oklahoma 4H'ers Favorite Recipes book (1984) this morning and found this puzzing recipe.

pistachio salad recipe

At the title, I thought it was going to be some kind of nuts and lettuce salad, but the first ingredient is a tub of Cool Whip. All right, I said to myself, it's a dessert salad. And I went with that theory until I hit the last ingredient: 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese. Pineapple, marshmallows, pecans... and cheddar? For real real? I have half a mind to try it this weekend to see if it really works.


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