
Pancake Breakfast

Pancake BreakfastShelburne Farm hosted a 4-H Pancake Breakfast this weekend. Fresh pancakes, seasoned sausages and lots of hot, fresh maple syrup served in steaming clay pitchers. The syrup was so hot that it melted a plastic cup that one young diner poured it into for the trip back to the table.

The Farm was also offering tours of their opeating sugar house, but the boys had worn brand-new sneakers with spotless uppers and no traction, (anxious for spring, I guess), so we didn't climb the hill to the demonstration. Next time I'm doing a proper footwear check before we leave the house.

We stopped at another Shelburne (or Charlotte, it was a back road, so I'm not sure) sugar house, with signs all over town, but they had put their signs out early and weren't boiling sap for another hour. I've been surveying syrup makers and everyone agrees that this year the maple sap is sweeter than usual, though no one can quite explain why.


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