I usually have Trevor with me, so I need to duck out around 9:30 to get him to bed, but he asked to stay home -- which helped both of us. He was able to finish his homework and do his evening chores without rushing and I was able to stay until the very end of the meeting. He had a list of rules (no cooking, no phone calls, call the neighbors if he had any questions) and I was two minutes away by car. It all went very well. I came home to completed homework, fed & happy cats and a sleeping boy.
I usually bring some little piece of hand sewing to each meeting. Besides keeping me occupied in what is otherwise a very "in the weeds" meeting (learn everything you've ever wanted to know about grading roadbeds!), the sewing helps me ignore the drone and flicker of the flourescent lighting which otherwise drives me buggy.

I started and finished this little piece last night... a holiday topiary cross stitch that I got last fall. I'm so late with finishing it that I'm now early for Christmas 2008. And I finally mastered the art of making good French knots. I tied the final knot as the Selectboard chair announced, "Meeting adjourned."
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