
The U.S. Capitol

While the White House tour was underwheming*, the Capitol tour was excellent. We requested it through Rep. Peter Welch's office a few weeks ago -- and one of his staff showed us around the building for over an hour. The Capitol is filled with incredible workmanship tucked into every available space.

Capitol Ceiling

You can find uniquely American details everywhere, like the stalks and ears of corn on otherwise Roman-looking columns and statues memorializing important people and events from each state. Vermont's statues were Ethan Allen and Jacob Collamer. I vote we replace Collamer with Samuel de Champlain. Not an American, but hey... not many people were 1609.

Capitol Ceiling

Cameras aren't allowed in the House gallery, but we did see some suspension bills about memorializing Iraq War veterans being heard on the floor. Trevor enjoyed the artwork hanging in the tunnel between Longworth and the Capitol Building.

*We spent more time going through security than in the White House itelf. It was a self-guided tour; which essentially meant you wandered through velvet ropes as security guards glared. We reached the exit in about 15 minutes and looked around, bewildered, wondering if we had missed something.


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